Monday, November 11, 2013

your thoughts about my songs

Well, this one might scramble some of your brains.
  Last week I announced I was starting a new song.  Then after I thought about it, I decided to do something kind of weird.  My 1st. song out there,'' Main Streets U.S. of A'', I received a lot of feedback by close friends -- most of them excellent local musicians --AND THEY LIKED IT!  However, they also had different reasons.  Some thought the lyric was great -some liked the overall arrangement and production-and a lot of them  thought the narrative  (about the different cities) at the end of the song was cool and very creative.
  NOW, since I have begun my 2nd. piece, it occurred to me that those of you out there that I really don't know --what did you like about ''Mn.St.U.S.ofA.''?   Now I don't need tons of lengthy thoughts, I wouldn't be able to read them all.  So maybe a short note from some of you out there would be great!
 I would like to know so I could maybe get a solid feel on how I can proceed with my second and forthcoming other songs.  It's always good to know what your audience likes and wants!
  Keep on crusin'                                                                                                                                                          
                             My best, Charlie  


Sunday, November 3, 2013

Well, Gadzooks!
   I've finally started on my next song--ok-ok , hold down the cheers and salutations!
I wasn't in the frame of mind to create anything--  I  even tried to draw a stick horse but I couldn't get the tail to look quite right. so I quit that too.  I was in pretty bad shape there for about 3 months, but now I feel I can start with my music again-Whew!
I would like to tell all of you that I recorded in the ''Garage Band'' format several of my songs in the last 2 years.  I did what I considered rough drafts of these 8 songs so I could think about what I really wanted each one of them to sound like and be comfortable about releasing them for your enjoyment and my amazement.  I have 5 more that were recorded several years before and that I intend to include in the forthcoming album.
  As stated before I lost about 3 months of work--it is now the time to get going.  However, with the upcoming holidays, it probably won't proceed as fast as I would like.  Oh well, that's showbiz!
  Keep on cruisin' kiddos --be safe
                My best,Charlie

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Concert by Yve Evans Boise

AhHa, I'm Back!        
Sorry for not keeping up with y/all that's southern slang for y'all ,but about 3 months ago my personal life was thrown into a cement mixer of which I am finally emerging.  No sense of sharing these thoughts now. Will explain at a later date.
No, it was not about our granddaughter Lula -still waiting for results in that area.
For you local folks -- Boise etc., I have been attending the presentations at the Cathedral of the Rockies on Sunday mornings.  It starts at 10a.m., lasts for an hour , and features some very good local musicians/singers. It is a very pleasant and relaxing experience.
  This morning they featured the celebrated vocalist/pianist Yve Evans----WOW!  She will perform tonight at the Egyptian Theater at 7p.m. to benefit '' Imagine No Malaria'' cause and Local Food Pantries. (please bring a non-perishable food item)  tickets are $15.00  It's going to be a great evening and you are going to love this fabulous gal.
Keep tellin' your cruisin' guys and dolls about Main sts. USA


Sunday, October 6, 2013

Hey fun seekers-sorry I missed you last week, but I was out prowling.  My niece Kim, dragged me out to see a movie at the Flicks Theatres- an independent movie theatre here in Boise.  The movie was about "The Wrecking Crew"- a group of excellent musicians who played on a LOT of records in the late fifties through the sixties, and into the seventies.  There were about 20-25 of them, who, behind the scenes, recorded some of the sound tracks of just about any group [The Byrds, Beach Boys,The Monkees, Sonny and Cher,ect,ect,ect.] In other words, a lot of groups and single artists.                                 If you would like to know more about these unsung heroes of rock music,get the book entitled "The Wrecking Crew" Copyright 2012 by author Kent Hartman. It is a terrific book and the whole story is fascinating!                                                                                                                                                 "see" you next week gang.  Hope all is well and be safe when you are "cruisin".                                               My Best Charlie

Saturday, September 14, 2013


Sorry for not posting stuff lately. But like all of us we all have crises in our lives from time to time.  I have been reluctant to share a part of my personal life with you--but now I believe I should.                   Our 10 year old grand-daughter,we call her Lula, was struck with a rare form of cancer.
Our entire family has been on a roller coaster ride of terror ever since. Through it all, Lula has persevered with great courage, dignity, optimism, and a tremendous amount of strength and compassion for those of us who have been blessed with her love.                                                                                                                                            
  The situation is on going---the prognosis-unknown.  There is much more to tell.                                                                                                                                                          
  Her ordeal has been chronicled on Facebook, and I will get that to you soon.  There is a saying going around----Hope for the best , Prepare for the worst.  I have changed it.  Hope for the best , and it will happen.
  I told my wife Julie awhile back that we would be there to see Lula graduate from college---
I meant it.
   Take care, be safe. Will get back with you soon and keep on cruisin' your main streets.

   My best, Charlie                                          

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Possible Respite in Advance of Idaho Fires

Hello all,

I waited until today to post my blog, in hopes that all of us in Idaho would receive some good news about the status of the Idaho fire threatening the Wood River Valley communities of Ketchum and Sun Valley. That tentative good news came just an hour ago, with the announcement that those communities might be able to return to pre-evacuation status tomorrow. While Sun Valley and Ketchum are small in terms of population, they are the signature resort communities of Idaho, and for all of us who live here, represent what is best about the Idaho lifestyle; pristine rugged mountains rising out of narrow lush river valleys with the best fishing in the state, skiing, biking, hiking,  tennis, golf, high-mountain lakes offering backpacking, and music, wine and food festivals, as well as being the mecca of business conference locations. The Sun Valley Resort has drawn visitors from all over the world since it was built in the 40's, and set the standard for rustic elegance with its Swiss chalet and village charm. Celebrities love to visit because the locals pay no attention, and there are no paparazzi to ruin the environment. I spent much time skiing there in my younger days, and it will always feel like my "own" mountain retreat. I know many of you feel the same.

Work continues on my album, so stay tuned and thanks for your encouraging support and interest. It's terrific!


Sunday, August 11, 2013

The World of Classic Car Cruising Events

Hi gang,

Thank you to all who've been keeping track of me and promoting Main Streets U. S. of A. !

Popularity is growing, and the feedback has been gratifying, and informative... for instance, while I've always loved classic cars, and especially great muscle cars, I wasn't aware of what a really big world is involved in classic car cruising and fundraising - all over the USA. I want to share what I've learned with all of you.

Here are just a few of the most visible websites that offer calendars of cruising events, some local and some national, for you cruising enthusiasts!


 Keep on rocking and sharing Main Streets U. S. of A. with your friends !


Saturday, August 3, 2013

Hey everybody,

The Powerball jackpot has exceeded $290 million...but there's no need for any of you to buy a ticket...and be sure to tell your friends not to buy any either... because I think I already have the winning numbers - and of course, if you don't buy any, the odds will be in my favor !  :)  ... And if I do, the first thing I'm going to do is buy a ghost town, kick everybody out, and paint half of it purple.    It may sound extreme, but what the heck??? And that's showbiz.

And by the way, Main Streets U. S. of A. is doing great - keep talking it up.


Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sorry gang - This is a day late

Here in Boise it feels like the "Dog Days" of summer...just too hot for anything but driving around in a great car with the top down (at night of course), and playing great music or hanging out by the Boise River.

Main Streets U S of A continues to acquire fans and followers of this blog and Charlie Coe Music's Facebook page.  Thank you for sharing and promoting for me!

I've started working on the album material, but sometimes I get a little too involved in technical "stuff" know "same stuff - different day". In other words, it brings to mind one of my favorite expressions: "Never feel useless. You can always be used as a bad example." ..something you might want to avoid.... :)

Saturday, July 20, 2013

"Main Streets U. S. of A.'' 's sales are going up !

Hey all you bloggers and Facebookers -

It's Saturday 7/20/13 and I want to thank everyone for your great support. We're well over 1000 followers now and growing every day. Main Streets U. S. of A.'s sales are doing the same ! You must be doing a great job of sharing on Facebook and telling your car and cruisin' friends - Thanks Again.

This weekend is the British Open, - so for all you golf fanatics out there - remember - You can't play good golf without a white belt! (That's why the pros wear them :) )

Drive safely and remember to play your cruisin' tunes.


Saturday, July 13, 2013

"Main Streets U. S. of A." is Catching On

Today I posted the following two great responses to "Main Streets U. S. of A." from Mayor Jonathan Rothschild of Tucson, AZ, and Patrick Tuttle of the Convention and Visitor's Bureau of Joplin, MO.

"Hey fans ! I received a terrific note from Patrick Tuttle of the Joplin, MO Convention and Visitors Bureau, inviting me to attend their dedication of two new Route 66 Murals in downtown Joplin on September 27th. Unfortunately I'm unable to attend, but what a flattering outreach - but I'll be there in spirit, and remembering that day when the Raiders' cover photo for the Revolution album was shot in Joplin.  .   .   Not even and EF - 5 can keep Joplin, MO down. Keep on rockin, Joplin ! "

"Another great response to "Main Streets U. S. of A." from Mayor Jonathan Rothschild of Tucson, AZ who sent me a nice note recalling his days as a Raiders fan, and saying that he's still a great fan of rock and roll. Thank you Mayor Rothschild - coolness prevails in Tucson ! "

Keep spreading the news ! I'm going to try to find something complicated and interesting to say each stay tuned.


Saturday, July 6, 2013

Main Streets U. S. of A. is live on iTunes !

"Main Streets U. S. of A." is live on iTunes!  Please check it out, and if you like it, help me distribute it to your friends.  Thank you for your support...let's rock and roll - It's showtime!!  Charlie

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Idaho's Love Affair with Paul Revere

This was an unplanned blog. My wife and I attended the "Big Jack Armstrong Benefit Concert" last night at the Boise Centre on the Grove to see Paul Revere and the Raiders play in the intimate setting that made it seem like a private concert. Over $26,000 was raised last night to benefit the Armstrong family and help restore Big Jack's health.

It's been 20 years since I last saw Paul perform at the Centre on the Grove, when his wife sang "Happy Birthday" to me from the stage.
I was struck last night with the love affair between this wonderful showman and the hometown crowd. He was born and raised in Caldwell, Idaho, the self-described son of a potato farmer, and today, all of the Treasure Valley claims him as their own.

Last night, the band performed Cherokee Nation, Kicks, Good Thing, Hungry, American Band and Louie, Louie, and as Paul acknowledged his affection and respect for each member of his band, I was reminded of the great times I had belonging for a time to the family that was the Raiders. The band members' affection for their leader was clearly apparent. The show was, as always, a rock and roll retrospective, but for me, a brief link with those amazing days in the 60's when a truly "American Band",  Paul Revere and the Raiders, was at the top of the charts.

Thank you for 55 years of great American Rock and Roll, Paul !!

Charlie "Once-a-Raider-Always-A-Raider" Coe

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Happy Fourth of July !

Hello all,
I decided to delay the song's announcement blog until July 2nd, figuring you all would be so busy with preparations for your 4th of July activities, and wouldn't have time to read it... since you'll be occupied with buying discount fireworks and matches - anyway. Tune in on the 2nd - and have a great holiday ! Charlie 

Friday, June 28, 2013

Announcing release of : Main Streets U. S. of A. - July 6, 2013

50's night scene looking east from 9th and Main Streets, Boise, Idaho

Copyright©2013 (Charlie Coe Music, LLC) All Rights Reserved
Release date: July 6, 2013
Thank you to everyone who’s been following my blogs and the progress of my project, the release of my first original song: “Main Streets U. S. of A”. 
It’s Saturday night, - everything is alright,
out on the Main Streets in U. S. of A.”
The inspiration for this song came to me one January afternoon while I was driving east on Main Street at 10th in Boise. By the time I reached Capitol Blvd, three blocks later, I had the song concept clear in my mind. To the best of my knowledge, no one grown up cruising on Friday and Saturday nights all over the country. It’s something we all have in common, regardless of regional local cultures.
 “Yesterday, today, we’re cruising in the U. S. of A”. 
I went home and wrote the song in 15 minutes. The original pencil manuscript is dated January 21, 1980. During the past 30 years, I’ve only changed a handful of words. Some songs write themselves. 
When I was cruising there was only radio, and everyone had their music blaring, yelling at each other in their cars or standing on the sidewalks, impressing girls, and having fun in the hot summer nights, driving round and round a specific block route. It was the place to be, to be seen, and to meet friends. It was the same on Main Streets all over the country. I wanted to write an anthem about a social phenomenon unique to the U.S.A., begun in the 50’s that continues today.

About three weeks after I finished the original verses, I realized that I wanted to add a narrative to name specific main streets in cities and towns to personalize the experience. I didn’t complete that final part of the song until 2012. I recorded the basic lyrics with my friend Ron King on the drums, on a borrowed 4-track tape recorder in an apartment in Boise in 1980 and put it aside, not knowing how long it would be until I decided to finish it.
About three weeks after I finished the original verses, I realized that I wanted to add a narrative to name specific main streets in cities and towns to personalize the experience. I didn’t complete that final part of the song until 2012. I recorded the basic lyrics with my friend Ron King on the drums, on a borrowed 4-track tape recorder in an apartment in Boise in 1980 and put it aside, not knowing how long it would be until I decided to  finish it.
A couple of months later, listening to the song on a cassette in my car, I ran into Paul Revere and played it for him. He said that he liked it and “Hey,that has a really good hook, Chas.” When I visited my friend Steve Eaton in Pocatello in 1981, we recorded a version of it in his studio. In Steve’s words: “Hey man, I really think this song could be a hit.” But it wasn’t ready for release, I stopped playing music, and it sat in a drawer for about 25 years.
In 2010 when I decided to record a number of my old original songs using today’s music production technology, all I had in mind was a digital four track recorder. I learned quickly that in order to get back into music, I’d first need to learn to use a computer, then music production software, and finally, revive my guitar, bass, and keyboard skills, and … would my voice still be strong enough for the lyrics?
My wife provided the IMac, software, and instructions about how to turn on the computer, then left me to figure out Garage Band, interfaces, MIDI, and multi-track recording. Welcome to the 21st century! 
At Guitar Center in Boise I met Shaun Fitzgerald, who sold me new equipment to get started. He patiently coached me on Apple’s basic Garage Band program for over a year while I practiced to regain the skills to play all of the instruments for the recording. When I was ready to upgrade from the ’50 Studebaker version (Garage Band) to the Ferrari (LOGIC Pro 9, a professional audio recording package), Shaun was there to answer questions again and again. Without Sean’s personal expertise and patience, I’d still be tearing my hair out rather than utilizing LOGIC to produce my first song’s final tracks.  Now, two years after I began my digital recording adventure, Don Cunningham of Cunningham Audio Production here in Boise, helped me with the final mix and provided terrific mastering talent. Thanks to Don and all the people who’ve supported my dream, I have my first release. I hope you like it and will recommend it to your friends. Let me know what you think and post your comments.
                                                                                 Here I am today with my 1966 Epiphone Sheraton.
There’s more to come soon in the form of an album of original, never-before recorded songs. I think they’re great – I hope you do too. This is just the beginning – and that’s show biz!
You’ll be able to link directly from Facebook to ITunes to purchase your download on July 6th.


Friday, June 21, 2013

Muscle Cars Forever !

 “Muscle Cars Forever!”
(Charlie Coe Music, LLC™)
America’s great car culture will never fade. From Henry Ford’s first horseless carriages that made the spread-out lifestyle of the West possible, to today’s “fast and furious” stripped, ripped and tricked-out street racers, driving for the sheer pleasure, rush, or vanity of it will always be an integral part of our American culture and persona.  

I owned a 1960 Studebaker Hawk 289 V8 with a custom metallic lime green paint job, chrome wheels, and rolled and pleated black naugahyde upholstery.
Those were the days of the legendary cruising cars – classics like the ‘57 Chevy, ’57 T-Bird, ’61 Chevy Impala SS 409, ’63 Corvette Sting Ray V8, ’63 Buick LeSabre V8, ’65 Mustang 289, ’67 Pontiac GTO, ’68 RSS Camaro 396, Porsche 356 Super 90, and the ’70 Chevelle Malibu 350 V8.
When one of these perfectly restored beauties with a pristine paint job passes by, with its low, vibrating, V-8 rumble, heads turn, regardless of their generation. Personal nostalgia aside, they were and always will be icons of American culture.

We will embrace green hybrid technology, and reduce the environmental impact and cost of operation, but we’ll never stop driving or loving the self-expression and freedom they represent. The great rail systems of Europe and Asia are practical, but there’s no sense of control, power, individuality, or identity projection that defines Americans’ love affair with our cars.  
Hang in there – with next week’s blog my ramblings will make sense. – Visit to receive my blogs at your email address.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Joplin, Portland, and Corona del Mar

“Joplin, Portland, and Corona del Mar”
(Charlie Coe Music, LLC™)

In my first song, to be released on July 6, 2013, I specifically pay homage to a few key cities in the US. The reasons will become clear in the song, but for now I want to mention my personal connection with three of the locations.

Raiders fans will remember the iconic cover of Paul Revere and the Raiders’ REVOLUTION album, my first album cover with the Raiders, released in 1967 and photographed on the front porch of an antebellum mansion in Joplin, Missouri. The Raiders played in Joplin once while I was in the group,  and the southern hospitality we received there was memorable. Part of our American identity is associated with the famous US66 “Route 66” that passes directly through the center of Joplin.

I was born in Portland, Oregon, … long, long ago, and far, far away … well actually not so far away, since I still live in the Northwest, and have family in Portland. It’s a great town with a unique music, food and wine culture, and its just plain cool. The other great 60’s band I joined, Don and the Goodtimes was based there. I frequently visit Portland and will always consider it a second home.

When my wife attended a reunion of her Corona del Mar High School Class of 1971, she exposed me to the surfing culture of the home of “Hobie” boards, landmarks like Little Corona, the Newport Pavilion, the Wedge, and the endless sand of Huntington Beach. And I saw that despite 35 years in Idaho, life “at the beach” would always be in her blood. All roads lead to Pacific Coast Highway, the artery of the Southern California coast, where Ferrari and Porsche dealerships have replaced the site of the original Chart House, the best breakfasts could be found at Coco’s (until March of 2013), and the world’s greatest cars have always been seen cruising up and down PCH, with or without surfboards.

… great traditions never change.

Look for my next Blog on the 22nd at and visit my Facebook page: where you’re welcome to post your comments or memories of the Good Old Days of Rock and Roll.


Friday, June 7, 2013

Charlie Coe is BACK ! yea

Hello to my old fans new friends and rock aficionados everywhere.
Welcome to Charlie Coe Music !
“Remembering the Good Old Days”
To give you a little personal background, I began my music career at age 15, taking guitar lessons when I was a sophomore at Boise High School. Upon graduating, I became a guitar instructor in Boise, with about 30 students who spent most of their time trying to figure out what I was trying to teach them.

After about a year of that, Paul Revere, the leader of Idaho’s own iconic rock and roll band, Paul Revere and the Raiders, hired me and I was off to the world of performance entertainment. I only remained with the Raiders for five months and left in total despair and utter confusion. It wasn’t the group’s fault, it was mine.

After spending the next two years playing in local Boise groups while attending Boise Junior College, at age 23, I was hired by Jack Ely and relocated to New York City. Everyone knew him as the lead singer of The Kingsmen on their most popular version of “Louie, Louie”.

After just four months in New York City, the East Coast lifestyle didn’t particularly suit me. While playing Ray Farner’s innagural National Car Show in Kansas City, I received a call out of the blue from Don McKinney, leader of Don and the Goodtimes, based in Portland, Oregon. Don told me that he’d seen me play in the Raiders in Canon Beach, Oregon in 1963, and wanted me for Lead Guitar in the Goodtimes. He offered a no-risk opportunity to sit in and see if I wanted to join the band, and sent a round-trip ticket to me in Kansas City. My response was: “I’ll see you tomorrow!” and I was on my way back to the Northwest.

Playing with Don and the Goodtimes put me a group comprised of superb musicians – in my opinion - all better than myself, who contributed greatly to improving my skills. It was a terrific time and a great privilege to have been part of them. In January of ’67 the Goodtimes were signed by Dick Clark Productions to be one of the house bands on “Where The Action Is”.

“Well, that’s show business!”  I don’t recall who came up with that line, but it says it all. Whatever happens in this business happens – right, wrong or indifferent.

Four months later, in the spring of ’67, Paul Revere rehired me. It was the heyday of classic Rock and Roll, and Paul Revere and the Raiders had rocketed to national fame, released million-selling records, and was also the featured group on “Where The Action Is”. After I joined the Raiders for the second time, we were frequent guest stars on many television shows such as “The Johnny Carson Show”, “The Jack Benny Specials”, and the “Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour”, as well as having our own television shows: “It’s Happening” and “Happening ‘68”. The following year and a half was filled with endless concert dates, recording sessions and television appearances.

The demands of show business were relentless and I became increasingly disenchanted and isolated from the life. Despite being advised by Beverly Noga, our publicist, that I would severely disappoint my fans, I voluntarily left the Raiders and the whole Beverly Hills scene, and moved back to Boise, where I’ve lived ever since. I had then and always will have the greatest respect and affection for my long time friend, Paul Revere, who with his Raiders, continues to perform to this day.

My last involvement with a somewhat serious group was when I joined the “Little Big Band”; the house group at Joe’s LB in downtown Boise in 1973. For awhile I had a wonderful time and enjoyed participating with the first class talent of local musicians Terry and Yvonne Miller and Johnny Drinkall.

Now, a lifetime later, I’ve returned to my first love, music, and will be releasing my first original tune in the near future. Please watch for my weekly Saturday blogs updating you about this new project.

I hope you’ll give me the opportunity to earn your appreciation once again, and look forward to making some great music!

Please visit Facebook and look for "Charlie Coe Music".  If you "like" my page, post your comments, forward a link to all your friends, and receive automatic blog updates and posts from me.   


Friday, May 24, 2013

Do you miss the beat?

Charlie with Paul Revere and the Raiders

60’s and 70’s Rock Music Fans :   

Charlie Coe is Back and Making Music !!!


Were you a fan of Paul Revere and the Raiders or Don and the Goodtimes ? Do you miss that beat?

Charlie Coe, Boise’s own lead guitarist who played in these great bands and has been absent from the music scene since the rock heydays is preparing to release his first original song on ITunes in July. His first album of original, previously unreleased songs is planned for release at the end of the year.

Are you ready for a 21st century take on good, solid rock and roll? Charlie, recognized as a skilled and dynamic guitarist, was inducted into the Northwest Music Hall of Fame in 1991, along with Don and the Goodtimes.    Watch this blog for Charlie’s weekly posts and spread the news to all your friends.

Go to and “friend” Charlie if you were a fan in the “old days” and want to post to his page, share memories of his work and performance with Paul Revere and the Raiders and Don and the Goodtimes, and receive posts from Charlie updating you on his new releases.

Charlie today