Sunday, August 18, 2013

Possible Respite in Advance of Idaho Fires

Hello all,

I waited until today to post my blog, in hopes that all of us in Idaho would receive some good news about the status of the Idaho fire threatening the Wood River Valley communities of Ketchum and Sun Valley. That tentative good news came just an hour ago, with the announcement that those communities might be able to return to pre-evacuation status tomorrow. While Sun Valley and Ketchum are small in terms of population, they are the signature resort communities of Idaho, and for all of us who live here, represent what is best about the Idaho lifestyle; pristine rugged mountains rising out of narrow lush river valleys with the best fishing in the state, skiing, biking, hiking,  tennis, golf, high-mountain lakes offering backpacking, and music, wine and food festivals, as well as being the mecca of business conference locations. The Sun Valley Resort has drawn visitors from all over the world since it was built in the 40's, and set the standard for rustic elegance with its Swiss chalet and village charm. Celebrities love to visit because the locals pay no attention, and there are no paparazzi to ruin the environment. I spent much time skiing there in my younger days, and it will always feel like my "own" mountain retreat. I know many of you feel the same.

Work continues on my album, so stay tuned and thanks for your encouraging support and interest. It's terrific!


Sunday, August 11, 2013

The World of Classic Car Cruising Events

Hi gang,

Thank you to all who've been keeping track of me and promoting Main Streets U. S. of A. !

Popularity is growing, and the feedback has been gratifying, and informative... for instance, while I've always loved classic cars, and especially great muscle cars, I wasn't aware of what a really big world is involved in classic car cruising and fundraising - all over the USA. I want to share what I've learned with all of you.

Here are just a few of the most visible websites that offer calendars of cruising events, some local and some national, for you cruising enthusiasts!


 Keep on rocking and sharing Main Streets U. S. of A. with your friends !


Saturday, August 3, 2013

Hey everybody,

The Powerball jackpot has exceeded $290 million...but there's no need for any of you to buy a ticket...and be sure to tell your friends not to buy any either... because I think I already have the winning numbers - and of course, if you don't buy any, the odds will be in my favor !  :)  ... And if I do, the first thing I'm going to do is buy a ghost town, kick everybody out, and paint half of it purple.    It may sound extreme, but what the heck??? And that's showbiz.

And by the way, Main Streets U. S. of A. is doing great - keep talking it up.
